Curriculum Vitae
Name: László Pap
Place and date of birth: Diósgyőr, 9. Dec., 1943
Nationality: Hungarian
Affiliation: Department of Telecommunications, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, since 1967.
Mailing address: 2, Magyar tudósok krt., Budapest, Hungary, 1117,
Phone: +36-1-463-3260
Post: Professor, Head of Department,
Studies: Technical University of Budapest, 1962-67.
Graduation from the Technical University of Budapest,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Branch of Telecommunications.
Degrees: Dr. univ. (from the Technical University of Budapest, on the basis of the degree of "Candidate of Sciences"): 1980.
Candidate of Sciences (the second top degree that can be obtained from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences by a thesis and examinations, its value approximately corresponds to a PhD degree): 1980.
Doctor of Sciences (the first top degree that can be obtained from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences by a thesis): 1992.
Corresponding Member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 2001.
Education activities:
At Budapest University of Technology and Economics:
- Amplifiers, Electronic Circuits 1978-1994.
- Electronics 1988-2003.
- Modulation systems and applications 1987-1994.
- Communication Theory 1987-1994.
- Telecommunication Theory 1993-2004.
- Introduction to mobile communications 1995-2004.
Lectures at University of Veszprém and University of Klagenfurt (1994, 1998)
Some industrial activities:
- EEG analyzer, MEDICOR, 1970.
- EEG correlator, MEDICOR, 1970.
- Ultra low distortion RC oscillator, BEAG, (one patent), 1978.
- Touch-tone telephone decoder, BHG,1978.
- Automatic tester for broadcasting transmitters, PRMTIG, 1978.
- Measuring and data processing system for seismological applications, MTA, 1980
- Vector generator for graphic display, SZTAKI, 1985. (one patent)
- Measuring equipments, FOK-GYEM, 1985. (three patents)
- Band efficient digital FM radio, BRG, 1984.
- Spread spectrum transmission systems, FMV, 1982-1990. (six patents)
- Raster graphic display, SZTAKI, 1985. (three patents)
- Burst frequency hopping radio, ORION, 1985.
- Short wave digital spread spectrum radio systems, VIDEOTON, 1986.
- Cellular radiotelephone systems, VIDEOTON, 1987.
- DSP modem, ML, 1991.
- Narrow band radio system, FMV, 1993.
- Applications of GPS system, OMFB, 1994.
- Development of space satellite electronic systems, OMFB, 1993-1997.
- Mobile telephone systems, Westel, 1998, Pantel, 1998.
- TETRA and TETRAPOL systems, Antenna Hungária, 2000.
- Mobile communication software, T-Systems, 2002-2003.
Research fields:
Electronic systems, Nonlinear circuits, Synchronization systems, Modulation and coding, Spread spectrum systems, ATM, Mobile communication systems.
Important professional and scientific positions:
- Scientific Association for Infocommunications
Vice President, 1988-1995, 2001-
President, 1995- 2001.
Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Communication, 1988-1997
- Természet Világa (World of Nature), member of the editorial board, 1990-
- A Magyar Mérnökök és Építészek Világszövetsége (World Association of Hungarian Engineers and Architects), member, 1988-, vice president, 1997- , president 2001.
- Chair of the jury of Hungarian Scientific Reseach Fund (OTKA) ELE, 1993-1997.
- Hungarian Scientific Reseach Fund (OTKA) Committee of measurement Centres, member, 1993-2001.
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Telecommunications Systems Committee, member, 1990-, president 1999-
Editor of book series of Advances in Electronics, 1981-
- MATÁV, Supervisory Board, member, 1993, 1997-2001, chair 2001-
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics
University Senate, member, 1990-
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Habilitation and Doctorial Committee, member, 1994-
- Hungarian Space Agency, member, 1992-
- Scientific Committee of Space Research, member, 1992-2002.
- Expert of the Hungarian Space Research Committee of the Government,1972-1976
- Evaluation committee of the privatization of MATAV, member, Ministry of Transport, Telecommunications and Water Management-ÁV Rt, 1993.
- Panel of concession tender of Hungarian paging system, member, Ministry of Transport, Telecommunications and Water Management, 1994.
- Expert committee of the government for radio communication systems, member, Prime Minister’s Office, 1993-1994.
- Development plans of telecommunication system of the Ministry of Interior and Hungarian Police, ORFK, 1992-1994.
- Conception of Telecommunications Policy, Ministry of Transport, Telecommunications and Water Management, 1994.
- Evaluation committee of the privatization of Antenna Hungária, Ministry of Transport, Telecommunications and Water Management, 1994.
- Telecommunication and IT Advisory Board of the Ministry of Interior, member, 1994-1997.
- Advisory Board of the president of Communications Authority, member, 1996-2001.
- TMMB (Telecommunication Engineering Qualification Committee), member, 1994-1999.
- Jury of tenders of the National Committee of Technological Development (OMFB), member, 1996-1999.
- Advisor of the president of Antenna Hungária, 1999-
- Member of the UMTS Committee, Prime Minister’s Office, 2000-
- Institutional Committee of Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, member, 2003-
- Member of the Board of Directors of RTD (USA), 1997-2002.
- Scientific Advisory Board of Ministry of Informatics and Communications, member, 2002-
Hungarian and international scientific tenders:
- Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) thematic tender T7569/1992, consultant.
- Commission of European Communities, CIPE 351, PL 921109, consultant.
- National Committee of Technological Development (OMFB) 03442/92, consultant.
- Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) thematic tender, T030651/1999, consultant.
- COPERNICUS 579, 1996-1999, consultant.
- Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) 017067/1995, consultant.
- Ministry of Culture and Education FKFP 0388/1998, consultant.
- Ministry of Education FKPF 0303/1999, consultant.
- COST 262/1999, consultant.
- Inter-University Centre for Telecommunications and Informatics (ETIK-KKK), consultant.
- Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) T030651, 1999-2002, consultant.
- Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) T043375, 2003-2006, consultant.
- Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) TS044733 (scientific school), 2003-2005, consultant.
- COST 279, consultant.
Awards: Higher Education Award, 1968.
Pollák-Virág Award, 1972, 1975, 1991.
Commemorative Award of Markusovszky, 1978.
Best Lecturer of the University, 1985.
Silver Medal of the Scientific Association for Infocommunications, 1987.
Gold Medal of the Scientific Association for Infocommunications, 1989.
Commemorative Award of Tivadar Puskás, 1983, 2001.
Best Lecturer of the Faculty, 1982.
Commendation of the Minister, 1978.
Award of the Outstanding Activity, 1979, 1980, 1984.
Award of Eötvös, 1997.
Award of Széchenyi, 1999.
Commemorative Medal of László Kozma, 2003.
Memberships, functions:
- IEEE, member, 1992-1998, senior member, 1998-
- IEEE, Communication Society, EAMEC consulting member
- The New York Academy of Sciences, member, 1994-
- Networks'94, chairman,
- IEE, fellow, 1995.
- MOBICOM’97, General Chair.
- INFOCOM 2000, 2001, 2002, Int. Vice-Chair.
- IEEE Selected Areas on Communication, reviewer, 1995.
- ACM-IEEE, Wireless Networks, member of the Editorial Board, 1998--
- IEEE, ICC93, Technical Program Committee,
Languages: High degree examination in Russian,
Medium degree examination in English.
Scholarships, scientific activity abroad:
- Ustav Radiotechniky a Electroniky, CSAV, Prague,1973.
- ETH Zentrum Zurich, Zurich,1985.
- Ustav Radiotechniky a Electroniky, CSAV, Prague, 1989.
Scientific degrees and PhD students:
István Mudrák candidate TMB 1991
János Tremmel Dr.univ. BME 1991
Khairi A. Mohamed candidate of sciences TMB 1993
Alamin Belhaj PhD BME 1994
Sándor Imre Dr.univ. BME 1995
Sándor Imre PhD BME 1996
Sándor Albrecht PhD BME 2003
Péter Fazekas PhD student BME 1998-
Gábor Jeney PhD student BME 1998-
Krisztián Kiss PhD student BME 1999-
Krisztián Hankó PhD student BME 1999-
Ferenc Balázs PhD student BME 2000-
Csanád István Szabó PhD student BME 2001-