Pap László legfontosabb öt közleménye az elmúlt 10 évből (magyar változat)



1.            K. A. Mohamed, L. Pap,"Analysis of frequency-hopped packet radio networks with random signal level", IEEE Selected Areas in Communications, Vol 12., pp. 723-732, May 1994.


2.            K.A.Mohamed, L.Pap,"Performance analysis of frequency-hopped

spread-spectrum packet radio networks-Part I: Slotted multiple access, Part II: Unslotted multiple access”, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, Vol. 6, No.6, pp. 435-455, 1996, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 456-474, 1996.


3.            K. A. Mohamed, L. Pap,"Performance analysis of  centralized FH-CDMA wireless networks",  Wireless Networks, Vol. 5., pp.163-170, 1999.


4.            L. Pap, S. Imre," A New Call Admission Control Method on the Estimation of Number of Lost Cells ", Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 9, Nos. 5&6, 1999, pp. 321-338.


5.            A. Engelhart, W. Teich, J. Lindner, G. Jeney, S. Imre, L. Pap: “A Survey of Multiuser/Multisubchannel Detection Schemes Based on Recurrent Neural Networks”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Special issue on Advances in 3G Wireless Networks, 2002, Vol-2., pp 269-284.